Transformed from within: How NECTURE rebranded to get the most value out of electric vehicle fleets through cutting edge technology

Christian Adelsberger CEO & Founder of NECTURE in portrait mode crossing his arms

Christian Adelsberger is the Founder & CEO of NECTURE, a company dedicated to accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) for shared fleets. With a strong belief that climate tech can significantly contribute to a livable future, Christian envisions a mobility industry optimized for vehicle utilization and charging cycles. NECTURE achieves this by integrating machine-learning with crowd-based operations to predict real-time demand and efficiently execute fleet moves.

Christian holds a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Innsbruck and has extensive experience in developing businesses for future challenges. His career includes technology consulting at Accenture and ramping up the Business Development department at EVOLARIS. He has collaborated with companies like Google, T-Mobile International, Universal Music, and Skype.

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder of Wunder Mobility, sits down with Christian to discuss NECTURE's journey, their recent rebranding, and the innovative solutions they are bringing to the market.

The rebirth of NECTURE

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder, Wunder Mobility:
Today, I'm with Christian Adelsberger. Welcome, Christian. You've been in this space for many years, much like myself. We've discussed offline how this industry has evolved through various cycles, and recently, you've undergone a significant transformation with your company by rebranding under a new name. Could you tell us how this rebranding came about and what product you are currently offering?

Christian Adelsberger, CEO & Founder, NECTURE:
Hi Gunnar! A pleasure to be with you.

Yes, we just rebranded to NECTURE. It's only been 48 hours since our brand launch event, and everyone is very excited about it. Our rebranding was an evolutionary step. Although the external environment and our products remained unchanged, we evolved internally. When I first started the company, I was driven by the desire to create something outstanding, something that people would look at and say, "Wow, no one else has done it like this before." However, this was largely driven by external expectations or what I perceived them to be.

Later on, in 2019 and 2020, when we began working with car-sharing companies, I discovered that what truly mattered to me was creating an impact in our clients' businesses. I had an interesting experience with the CFO of our first pilot customer. He called me, concerned about our impact on his P&L. Initially, I thought we were charging too much, but it turned out he was referring to the revenue increase we were generating. This moment made me realize we had achieved product-market fit.

Moving more towards the car-sharing industry

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder, Wunder Mobility:
That's interesting.

Christian Adelsberger, CEO & Founder, NECTURE:
Yes, that was a turning point for us. We decided to focus entirely on products for the car-sharing and shared mobility industry. Over the last three to four years, we started receiving more interest from business fleets and non-shared mobility companies. Initially, we were puzzled, but we chose to embrace it. Specifically, with our charging products, we enabled business fleets to transition successfully towards electrification. This shift made us realize the significant impact we have on CO2 reduction. For instance, in the last three months, we've delivered 250 megawatt hours of charging energy to the fleets we serve. This translates to roughly 1.2 million kilometers driven and about 150 tons of CO2 saved. This realization prompted us to rebrand and redefine our company's purpose, resulting in the new brand, NECTURE.

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder, Wunder Mobility:
For someone unfamiliar with your product, can you describe your customers and what your product does for them?

Christian Adelsberger, CEO & Founder, NECTURE:
Absolutely. Initially, we worked with car-sharing companies to ensure their fleet was located where the demand was, optimizing revenue. With the introduction of EVs into those fleets, we began steering the charging activities, determining which vehicles should be charged when and where. This extended to business fleets as well. Essentially, we ensure fleets are charged to their optimal level, reducing operational charging costs significantly.

NECTURE as a product

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder, Wunder Mobility:
So, it's a B2B software product for fleet operators to manage relocation and charging operations, leveraging machine learning technologies. How do you quantify the impact for your customers?

Christian Adelsberger, CEO & Founder, NECTURE:
We always support our case with hard numbers. For rebalancing, we measure performance in terms of trips made by rebalanced versus non-rebalanced vehicles. In the charging world, it's more complex, but we develop KPIs like charging state and fleet availability. After introducing our service, we compare these KPIs to measure positive impacts. Our customers typically save on operational costs, energy costs through wholesale contracts, and sometimes even benefit from shared monetary value created by our charging strategies.

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder, Wunder Mobility:
That's definitely what many car-sharing operators have told us. It's not just a software tool; you're also providing energy contracts. Can you explain more about this aspect of your product?

Christian Adelsberger, CEO & Founder, NECTURE:
Initially, it wasn't a strategic plan to become an energy wholesaler. Some customers wanted everything managed by one service. Since we directly connect with utility companies and infrastructure providers, we saw an opportunity to add value by managing multiple fleets within a specific city.

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder, Wunder Mobility:
That's impressive! Can you elaborate on the parameters you're optimizing for?

Christian Adelsberger, CEO & Founder, NECTURE:
We optimize several parameters. Fleet utilization is key for revenue. We also focus on reducing the cost of internal operational resources. A significant cost factor for electric vehicle fleets is defiance and blocking fees for charging, which we help minimize.

Gunnar Froh, CEO & Founder, Wunder Mobility:
Does your solution integrate with other task management tools, or do you provide a frontend for operators?

Christian Adelsberger, CEO & Founder, NECTURE:
That's a good question. Our product has two components: a technology-driven service, or AI-driven service if you prefer. The technology handles real-time measurements and decision-making, creating recommendations for actions. In most cases, we also manage the execution of these tasks, whether it's relocating or charging vehicles.


Christian Adelsberger’s insights reveal how NECTURE is revolutionizing EV fleet management through advanced technology and optimized operations. To explore more about NECTURE's impact on urban mobility and their innovative solutions, tune in to the full podcast episode.

Learn how NECTURE is making electric vehicle fleets more efficient and sustainable. Don’t miss out – listen to the full episode now !

Software to scale your sharing fleet

Our operations platform and customizable white label app offer you an end-to-end solution to get your mobility sharing business scaling