Innovation needs space and flexibilty. GreenMobility developed pre-booking & subscriptions smoothly relying on a solid baseline to build on top.

From e-bike champions to scaling with e-mopeds - multimodality proved to be a strength when taken on pedal at a time.

We help shared mobility providers
of all types to reach their goals - accelerating the global transition
to sustainable mobility.

Energy providers can make a difference in the world of sustainable mobility. That’s the story of Suwag, who brought it’s scooter across Germany.

No need to sleep on it: HOBO knew what they wanted right away - more freedom to customize their services. That’s why they migrated to Wunder’s platform, overnight.

Explore even more reasons why operators rely on our API first platform.

“Our cooperation with Wunder allows our developers to smoothly develop new features relying on the APIs so that we can offer new services to our customers and continue our growth innovatively”
Andreas Wall Group CFO @GreenMobility

“Wunder is helping realize our dream of a cleaner, healthier and happier world, one pedal at a time. We have a lot of fun collaborating with them.”
Augustin GuilisastiFounder & CEO @Forest

“Wunder is a reliable partner as we are scaling felyx from scratch to thousands of vehicles in multiple countries!”
Daan BeckerCEO @Felyx
Ready to boost your shared mobility service?
Contact us today and unleash the power of customization
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